Saturday, January 8, 2011


Hello, cyberworld! And Happy New Year!
I hope that you had a great first week of 2011. Rather than start this blog right on the first day of the new year, I figured that I should wait a week to get started, just to make sure that I've thought this through and that it will be something that I can commit to. Actually, I was on the road for New Year's and I didn't have internet with which to start this blog. But I like the former sentence better. :)
Here's the deal: I'm a young woman embarking on a new part of my life. The past few years, while successful, haven't been that...exciting. Or, frankly, remarkable. And I'm done with that. That is why I am going to make 2011 my best year yet.
Notice that I use the word yet, not ever. I'd like to think that things will keep getting better year after year. I'd really rather not peak this year, relatively early in my life.  But I want this year, in some way or another, to outshine all the rest.
I have made a few resolutions that I think will help me make 2011 the best year yet. I don't consider this a complete list by any means- I'm only listing three. I will add more in future posts as they come along.
1) Commit to fitness. In an extended family plagued by weight problems and the health issues that come with them or are aggravated by them, I am done with pushing it aside and thinking that I'll get to it later. If I wait any longer, I'll never get to where I want to be. I'm not terribly overweight or unhealthy, but I could certainly be better. And I am going to be the best that I can be this year.
Plus my parents bough P90X and are gonna do it. How do you think that would make me look?
2) Meet a boy. I can regale you with a few stories of my failures related to the opposite sex over the years (as a matter of fact, I will later). No more. I'm not even looking for a boyfriend. I'd just like a boy friend. Someone to ask me to dance. A guy I can hug. Heck, just a guy I can talk to!
3) Get more social- as in, get out more. I've lived a very risk-less, ho-hum, weekend-in kinda life so far. And I have all of these grand dreams of epic nights out that I'll remember for the rest of my life (in a good way). This year, it's happening.
So will you join me? Feel free, the four of you who are reading this, to comment. *If I have directed you to this personally, please DO NOT put anything in the comments that will identify a) who I am, b) where I am from, c) my place of education or residence, and d) anything else that reveals personal information.* The idea is that I can be any person who wants to kickstart their life. I want people to be able to see their story in my story. Plus I don't want to get stalked. So please keep it anonymous. I'd appreciate constructive criticism as well.
Here goes nothing.
Sending you good vibes,

1 comment:

  1. I totally support you breaking your pattern of risklessness! Don't be afraid to make mistakes and have lots of fun!
